Wednesday, October 1, 2014

India is a beautiful place

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In digital world more you ask the more relevant you become. Relevance leads to suggestion. Suggestion creates Perception. Perception commands Image. 

Let's get to the point. Go to (not & search "India is ". Image above is what Google suggests. India is dirty. 

Google suggestions are driven by algorithms & it gives more weight to search terms which are frequently searched. These higher weight terms are then considered for probable suggestions. This means lot of people are searching the term "India is dirty". Don't you think it tarnishes India's image? More than image its certainly not the correct reflection of reality. It might hold good if you visit certain parts but it is certainly not true to be a generic suggestion. 

New government has taken a right step to pay high importance to cleanliness & I believe we will see the changes in coming days. But who will clean India on Internet? We will. We shall. 

Let us take one step in this regard. Whenever we search anything related to India; let us use search terms carefully. If we search using better terms; google algorithm will get adjusted to this new Internet reality. We can follow this simple mind check while browsing websites or posting on social networks. We have strong Internet population. We can surely change the way netizens see us, the way netizens see India. 

Let us aspire for India 2.0.